Kerala Visuals

3D Animation

3D Animation
Procedural Animation
Creative Coding

Kerala Visuals is a 3D animation project buit in Notch Builder. As a tool that was recently introduced to me in the course of my creative computing career, it was both challenging and exciting to navigate its robust capabilities. The project encapsulates the beauty of minimalist procedural design, with a compelling interplay between light and dark that resonates with the distinct beats of Bonobo's "Kerala."

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My initial exposure to Notch Builder was marked by a steep learning curve. However, I soon began to appreciate its vast potential for creating detailed 3D animations. The software opened up a new realm of possibilities, allowing me to delve deeper into the world of real-time content creation, and complementing my existing arsenal of creative computing tools.

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The intriguing beat of "Kerala" by Bonobo laid the groundwork for the project. Its unique rhythm and hypnotic loops sparked the idea of a near-monochromatic composition in which animated particles and blobs dance in harmony with the music. The challenge was to mirror the song's sonic complexity within a visually minimalist framework, creating an immersive audio-visual experience.

To bring this vision to life, I delved into extensive research about using Notch Builder for procedural animation. The exploration of Notch's online resources, community forums, and documentation were integral to understanding how to maximize the use of nodes and particle systems, thereby maintaining the simplicity and elegance of minimalist design while achieving a complex outcome.

I approached the task by establishing the essential components first. Each scene was carefully built using a minimal number of nodes, relying heavily on particle systems and loops. Through repeated iterations, I refined the visual choreography, ensuring that the particles and blobs danced in synchrony with the pulsating beats of "Kerala," their movements reflecting the song's rhythmic patterns.

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The final outcome was a mesmerizing 3D animation where the dancing particles breathed life into the music of "Kerala". The deliberate choice of a near-monochrome palette accentuated the contrast between light and dark, while the fluidity of the animated elements created a visually pleasing harmony with the music. This project to me stands as a testament to the creative potential of Notch Builder and the allure of minimalist design principles. The process of translating music into visual narrative not only helped develop my skills in using this powerful software, but also underscored the timeless elegance of simplicity. In the end, the project embodies my commitment to creating a lot with very little, and further fuels my curiosity and enthusiasm for exploring the infinite possibilities of creative computing.

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